Monday, July 7, 2008

St. Paul's Lutheran Church - Des Peres, MO - 6 July 2008

With the arrival of Heather and the kids at seminary, there were new factors to consider in choosing which local congregation we should join for worship this past Sunday. In addition to the obvious desire to find a children's Sunday School program for David and Emily, we were also wrestling with the conflicting desires to visit a variety of congregations in the St. Louis area and the desire to settle into a single church home. The latter desire also has the added benefit of increasing the stability our children feel during this transition; but the stability might only be temporary, as I will be assigned to a field work congregation in September.

Our indecision lasted until Saturday night, but we ended up returning to St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Des Peres, MO to hear God's Word and receive His Body and Blood.

The sermon was given by Pastor Tim Seban, just like last week. Pastor Seban drew heavily from both the Gospel lesson (Matthew 11:25-30) and the Epistle (Romans 7:14-25a). He pointed to Jesus as the One who releases us from the weight of our own inability to live up to the Law and find righteousness before the Father for ourselves. Unfortunately (for me), Emily was particularly squirmy during the sermon; so my attention was divided throughout the sermon.

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