Sunday, July 13, 2008

Saturday Youth Soccer

Last Saturday, David took part in his first "summer youth soccer" practice. He is pictured below with his teammates and their coach, Mr. Joe. The field where they played is just east of our apartment complex and west of the regular academic campus. This field is used by the regular seminary soccer team, the pick-up league, the baseball teams (intramural and league-play), and informally by others.

Several weeks before Heather and the kids arrived, an announcement about the summer soccer league was posted on the SWA (Seminary Wives Association) newsgroup on Yahoo. At that time, David expressed an interest in participating. Although he missed the first couple of meetings, he had no trouble slipping right in with the other kids as they dribbled the balls around a big square to the sound of Mr. Joe switching between "turtle!" (i.e. slow dribbling) and "cheetah!" (i.e. not slow). The kids had a ball! (Yes, intended...)

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