Sunday, July 13, 2008

Mount Calvary Lutheran Church - Brentwood, MO - 13 July 2008

After arranging for our daughter, Emily, to attend pre-school at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church "sight unseen" on the recommendation of another seminary family, we finally joined with that congregation for worship last Sunday. The picture below is taken from the back of the sanctuary after the divine service was complete.

Rev. Darrell Zimmerman is the pastor of this congregation (although there are a number of ordained clergy serving the LCMS synodical administration who attend and support the congregation's life of service and worship); he led our gathering in songs of praise and presented a sermon on the gospel reading, the Parable of the Sower. He drew attention to the way the sower threw the seed far and wide, seemingly unconcerned by the "waste". Thankfully, we know this is not waste at all; we trust the words and promises of our gracious Father (e.g. Isaiah 55:10-11).

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