Friday, June 6, 2008

Brian in Bristow

I mentioned in an earlier post that I had spent my last two weeks in Virginia living with a friend of mine in Bristow, Virginia. At the time you read that post, you might have thought: who on earth would agree to live with Brian for two weeks!?!? This is a fair question; it would have to be someone with a great deal of patience who has already “lived with” Brian for a while.

Brian Herzog (hopefully I can add a picture later) was a co-worker of mine on my last program while working with TASC. We worked together for about two and half years out of the TASC Lincoln Center in McLean. (Yes, you heard me right; Brian commuted from Bristow to McLean for more than two and a half years.) Brian tolerated me as both a co-worker on our program and as a section manager for the period of time we worked together in McLean. So he knew what he was getting into and STILL agreed to let me stay with him.

As you can see Brian is selfless, long-suffering and crazy. I enjoyed staying with him, but I am afraid I brought him much misery. During the move, David struggled with an unsettled stomach, which he passed on to Heather and me as I left them in Noblesville. Well, although the unsettled stomach did not seem serious to me, it apparently was quite a stomach bug. A week after I arrived, during which I was busy and very poor company, Brian came down with a far more serious version of the symptoms my family had experienced.

What a terrific host; what a lousy house guest!

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