Sunday, August 9, 2009

[Humans] experience Jesus not only as an extraordinary figure but also as an immensely controversial one. They regard him in numerous, conflicting ways that run the gamut from abject repudiation as the agent of Satan to acclamation as the Son of God. In point of fact, the centurion at the cross is the only human other than Jesus himself to recognize Jesus to be the Son of God and thus to express an understanding of him that tallies with God's understanding. This shows, therefore, that, for humans, Jesus' identity remains surrounded by an aura of mystery until the end of Mark's story. Moreover, it also suggests that humans cannot perceive aright who Jesus is until they view his entire life and ministry from the perspective of the cross. To view Jesus from any other perspective is in some sense inadequate or wholly false.
--- Jack Dean Kingsbury, Conflict in Mark, 6

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