Friday, May 23, 2008

The 2008 Confirmation Class at GSLC

Dear Confirmands of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (i.e. Nina, Phil, Elizabeth, Jason, Leta, Camille, Jessica, Ryan, Diego, Nikki, Owen, Edward and Joseph),

Before I spend a single "breath" encouraging or exhorting you, I want to thank you for the honor and privilege of being your instructor this past year. These past months have been a constant reminder to me that our Lord works through "means"; God bestows his good gifts on the world through the "things of the worlds", whether they be people, events, the impressions a place leaves on us, etc. My joy in sharing with you our shared faith this past year has been a gift from God - and you were the "means" he used to grant that gift!

Of course, our Lord has also used me as his tool to teach you as well. I thank God that he has brought you this far! Regarding those teachings you already embraced with confidence: this is a gift of God through the means of your pastors, parents, Sunday School teachers and others around you. Regarding those teaching we wrestled with together and to which you now confess with boldness: this, too, is a gift of God through the means of your fellow confirmands, your small group leaders and your instructors. Regarding those teachings about which you still struggle: forgive you instructor where he has failed and wait on the Lord, he will make these things clear in time as well.

Remember that you all are priests. As Lutheran Christians, we most frequently speak of the "priesthood of all believers"; however, we rarely refer to one another directly as priests. You are priests! Through your baptism, you have been set apart in this world with the faith in and knowledge of "Jesus Christ and him crucified for the forgiveness of sins." You have been consecrated to carry this message to the world! In your confirmation, you affirmed and were confirmed in your place in this kingdom. Now: go and build bridges between our merciful God and a world that only knows him now through the crushing weight of his law.

May the Lord Jesus preserve you in the faith of your baptism through the work of his Holy Spirit. I love you, guys!

Your teacher and brother in the one true faith,


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