Sunday, April 20, 2008

Boxes! Boxes! Everywhere!

Although there are other ways to pursue ordination as a pastor in the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod ( (e.g. Specific Ministry Pastor program, DELTO, colloquy, etc.), the most common path is to relocate to one of our synodical seminaries and undergo a period of practical and theological formation.

Unfortunately (at least for those of us who live in Virginia), there are only two LCMS seminaries: Concordia Seminary - St. Louis ( in St. Louis, MO and Concordia Theological Seminary - Fort Wayne ( in Fort Wayne, IN. So Heather, David John, Emily and I are preparing to move to St. Louis next month.

As you would guess, that means our house has become a disaster area due to pre-move packing! The pictures at right should give you a feel for the state of our house!

It helps to know this is only temporary ...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Brian (and Heather, David and Emily),
Seeing your dining room and quest room torn down and with boxes makes your imminent move so much more real. Having been through the box thing twice in the last year, the bags of mix emotions that are packed into the boxes and prevade the household can almost be felt by my looking at the photos.

What a wonderful Lord we have! He knows our memories, concerns, joys, fears and expectations and He sends his Spirit to calm us, and even more importantly guide us on are pathway of change.

May God continue to bless you as you move forward to serve in His Kingdom.